четверг, 2 июня 2016 г.

Oi Polloi

Шотландская анархо-панк формация Oi Polloi начала свои музыкальные потуги в далеком 1981 году в Эдинбурге, родине тех самых именитых ирокезников The Exploited. У истоков команды стоял Derek Allen и его школьные приятели. Парни ждали пока кто-нибудь из их сверстников начнет играть oi и не дождавшись решили взять инициативу в свои руки, однако довольно скоро отошли от oi стандартов в сторону анархо панка. Название Oi Polloi Дерек и компания позаимствовали от  греческой фразы  hoi polloi, что в переводе означает обычные люди. Банда имела четкие и довольно радикальные взгляды, и все участники являлись антифашистами, антикапиталистами, выступали за защиту окружающей среды и против всех видов угнетений и дискриминации. Музыканты довольно часто менялись и на протяжении всей истории банды неизменным участником остается лишь сам Дерек. Первую свою студийную запись Destroi the System парни сделали в 1984 году, альбом имел хорошие отзывы в журнале Sound, что в принципе помогло команде значительно расширить аудиторию. К сегодняшнему дню за спиной команды порядка тридцати различных релизов - альбомов, синглов, сплитов и сборников. Также стоит отметить, что   некоторые альбомы группы были спеты на Гэльском - языке шотландских кельтов.
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    Police State
    Poppy Say
    No Future
    Last Of The Mohicans
    Fuck The Government
    Don't You Want Me Baby

Go Green
You Cough/They Profit
Punx Or Mice?
Nuclear Waste
The Only Release?
Apartheid Stinx

    Punx 'n' Skinz
    Thugs In Uniform
    Never Give In
    Minority Authority
    Boot Down The Door
    Stop Vivisection Now
    Pigs For Slaughter
    No Filthy Nuclear Power

    Americans Out
    Apartheid Stinx
    Boot Down The Door
    Go Green
    Never Give In
    Nuclear Waste
    Pigs For Slaughter
    Punx Or Mice?
    Rich Scumbag
    The Only Release?
    Thugs In Uniform
    You Cough / They Profit

    Murder In The Woods
    For Those Who Suffered
    All Our Anger
    Death On A Plate
    Holy Pypocrisy

    Oi Polloi:
    Go Green
    You Cough-They Profit
    Punx Or Mice
    Nuclear Waste
    The Only Release
    Apartheid Stinx

    Toxik Ephex:
    Wild Side of Life
    Criminal Record
    Police Brutality
    Killer Patrol

    Oi Polloi:
    Foundations For A Future
    Minority Authority
    Go Green
    They Shoot Children Dont They
    The Only Release

    Punks 'n' Skins
    We Don't Need Them
    Kill The Bill
    Lowest Of The Low
    Nuclear Waste
    Commies And Nazis
    Pigs For Slaughter
    Thrown On The Scrapheap
    Punx Picnic In The Princess Street Gardens
    Mindless Few
    Unite And Win
    Minority Authority
    Boot Down The Door
    Americans Out
    Thugs In Uniform
    Pigs For Slaughter
    Rich Scumbag
    Never Give In

    Thin Green Line
    23 Hours
    When Two Men Kiss
    Whale Song
    What Have We Done?
    Victim Of A Chemical Spillage
    Clachan Chalanais
    Free The Henge
    Nazi Scum
    World Park Antarctica

    Resist The Atomic Menace (Extended)
    Hands Off Nic
    They Shoot Ch
    Resist The At
    Reach For The
    Go Green 
    You Cough The
    Nuclear Waste
    Boot Down The
    Rich Scumbag
    Stop Vivisect
    Death By Nigh
    Thugs In Unif

    Nuclear Waste
    Boot Down The Door
    Pigs For Slaughter
    Thrown on The Scrapheap
    Punx Picnic
    Mindless Few
    Unite And Win
    Omnicide (Live)
    Americans Out (Live)
    Pigs For Slaughter (Live)
    Thugs in Uniform (Live)
    Nazi Scum (Live)
    Nuclear Waste (Live)
    Free The Henge (Live)
    Punx Picnic (Live)
    State Violence, State Control (Live)
    If The Kids Are United (Live)

    Nuclear Waste-Retry
    Rich Scumbag
    Kill The Bill
    Free The Henge
    Victims Of A Gas Attack
    Bash The Fash
    The Only Release
    Stop Vivisection Now
    Punx Picnic
    Greatest Working Class Rip Off
    Victim Of A Chemical Spillich
    Break The Mould
    A Look At Tomorrow
    Helmut Kohl - Fick Dich
    The Right To Choose
    Nazi Scum
    When Two Men Kiss

    Right To Choose
    John Major
    Punx Picnix
    Victims of a Gas Attack
    Pigs For Slaughter
    Rich Scumbag
    Americans Out
    Kill the Bill
    Greatest Working-Class Rip-Off Crass
    Nazi Scum

    Oi polloi:
    Victims of a gasattack
    The right to choose

    Blownapart bastards:

    The earth is our mother
    Terra ist
    Take back the land
    Religious con
    Don´t burn the witch
    The right to choose
    Fuck everybody who voted tory
    Sios leis A'ghniomhachas mhoir
    Willie McRae
    Your beer is shit and your money stinks
    No mor roads
    Hunt the Rich
    Anti-Police Aggro
    Anti-Police Aggro II

    When Two Men Kiss
    Free The Henge
    It Doesn't Have To Be Like This
    Boot Down The Door
    Willie Mcrae
    Nazi Scum
    John Major, Fuck You

    Punx n skins
    Stop vivisection now
    Boot down the door
    No filthy nuclear power
    Hands off Nicaragua
    They shoot children dont they
    Resist the atomic menace
    Reach for the light
    Dealer in death
    Victims of a gas attack
    Die for Bp
    Rich man s world
    Guilty(original version)
    Break the mould
    John major fuck you
    Bash the fash
    The right to choose
    Victims of a gas attack
    When two men kiss
    The only release
    Sex with strangers
    Simon Weston
    Meine augen

    resist the atomic menace
    death by night
    thugs in uniform
    minority authority
    go freen
    they shoot children
    the only release
    foundations for a future
    no filthy nuclear power

    Americans out
    Free the henge
    Hunt the rich
    Nuclear waste
    When two men kiss
    Kill the Bill
    The only release
    Let the boots do the talking
    Victim of a gas attack
    Don't burn the witch
    Willie McRae
    They shoot children don't they?
    Boot down the door
    George Bush fuck you
    The right to choose
    Nazi scum
    Punx picnic

    Ar Ceol's Ar Canan
    Brosnachadh Catha
    Ramalair Ruisgte
    Ceud Mile Failte
    La Na Sabaid
    Daibhidh Sneddon
    Sgrudadh 2323
    Bas Dhan T-Siostam
    Union Jack? Thall's Cac!
    Fear A'Bhata
    Cait A Bheil An Armachid Leir-Sgrios?
    Con-Chaorach Is Madaidhean-Allaidh
    SS Politician

    Thugs In Uniform
    Never Give In
    Stop Vivisection Now
    You Cough They Profit
    Reach For The Light
    Rich Scumbag
    Stop The Bloody Slaughter
    Unite And Win
    They Shoot Children Don't They?
    Free The Henge
    Greatest Working Class Rip Off
    Break The Mould
    When Two Men Kiss
    Take Back The Land
    Hunt The Rich
    Meine Augen

    It Doesn't Have to Be Like This
    Let the Boots Do the Talking
    Stay Alert
    Fuck the National Lottery
    Threshers - Fuck Off!
    We must combat sex
    Taobh Beith-An Drochaid Thoraidh
    Cumhacho Niuclach Cha Ghabh Idir
    Pictures of Women Giving Birth Sells Records
    Concrete Jungle

    Oi Polloi:
    System (Encrusted In Filth)

    Staind / Phoenix

    A Whole New Ballgame
    Mutilation Of The Innocent
    Òran Ball Coise
    Deisel 's DeГІnach
    They Shoot Children
    Saorsa Do Vanunu
    Fuadaichean 2006
    SS Politician

    Appalachian Terror Unit:
    Judgemental Ignorant Stupid And Blind
    We Will Continue To Break The Law And Destroy Property Until We Win
    Meat Punks

    Oi Polloi:
    Feтlidair Craicte
    Systeemin Orja

    Tha Sinn Air Ais
    Díon's Cuidich
    Linux - Ar Dileab
    Ionnsaigh Adhair
    Feóladair Craicte - Spadadh Gun Chiall
    A-Mach Ás An Teine - Cyklopen
    Dóigh Eile
    C. Siostam? F. Siostam
    Na Géill's Tu Beó

    Skinheads Of Tomorrow
    Oigridh Air Na Sraidean

    Oi Polloi:
    Dirty Protest

    Common Enemy:
    Satellite Regime
    Fear Campaign

    *  *  *  *  *

1 комментарий:

  1. Новый альбом у них!
    Тыдыщ! - http://www.mediafire.com/file/a496a39ex71grt3/Oi+Polloi+-+2016+-+Saorsa.rar
